I cannot carry the weight of the heavy world, so goodnight.

Hair: *TKW* Cajal [Fitted] @ Cosmopolitan
Head: CATWA - Amy V4.9
Tattoo: { Speakeasy } Ludos Tattoo @ Kustom9
Top: Mimikri - Paillettes Top / Luna black @ Cosmopolitan
Shorts: Mimikri - Leather Hot Pants / Luna black @ Cosmopolitan


Build: Frayed Knot Beach Shack RARE @ Cosmopolitan
[Schultz Bros.] 11. Canvas Boards 
[Schultz Bros.]  02. Paint Cans - Blues
[Schultz Bros.] 07. Paint Cans - Empties Lights
:HAIKEI: My vintage art studio / Gacha {4}
[Schultz Bros.]  12. Set up Table
* SORGO - N* AshTray
:HAIKEI: My vintage art studio / Gacha {7}
Pewpew! Paperwork Gacha - ( 3 )
* SORGO - N* PaperStack RARE
* SORGO - N* CoffeeCups RARE
[ zerkalo ] Pile of books 3
[Schultz Bros.] 09. Hanging Brushes
Pewpew! Drawing Papers - Ship
[Schultz Bros.] 10. Box of Spray Cans
Serenity Style - Oil Paint Tubes
Serenity Style - Brushes
*ionic* intento inflexible - papers on floor
Mutresse -Lazy-Witty Cats
Clustered. Art Studio Collection. Paint Bucket
[Schultz Bros.] 13. Artist Easel - Used




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